There are different modalities out there that discuss the possibilities in healing the body. But before we dive into what I believe can change your life forever, I want to say this:


Whatever you choose to believe in, will prove itself right to you throughout your life - so choose wisely. 


Most of us were born into a world that “knows” that if you don’t feel well, you need to talk to a doctor who prescribes certain medications and treatments until you feel better. But what can you do when your doctor tells you that there is nothing you can do - that you are chronically ill, and you will most likely get worse over time?

The first thing I felt when I heard that after being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis was powerlessness. 


“I am a victim to my genes, and there is nothing I can do about it.” 


This way of thinking is dangerous because when you truly believe there is nothing you can do, you become irresponsible, and when you become irresponsible, progression of the illness in your body is inevitable. 

What you heard from your doctor is an outcome of the train of thought that only matter can affect matter (matter is a physical substance - anything that has mass and volume, occupies space, and is distinct from energy), and only energy can affect energy.

However, from quantum physics we learn that everything is energy, even if it cannot be seen with the human eye. Everything at its essence is made of energy - even your body. With that in mind, it has been proven with many different experiments that  energy can indeed affect and change matter.

Your genes do not determine your health or your future.

Epigenetics is the study of how your behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way your genes work. This field of study opens up possibilities in healing, no matter what your condition is. 

The environment your genes live in is what determines the activity of the genes and whether or not a certain disease will show up or disappear - meaning, you can have certain genes that are correlated with a certain illness, but never have that illness.


So you may want to know what that “environment” your genes live in is, and how can you change it so your body can heal. 

The environment in your body is an outcome of your perception. You know how two people can be in the same situation but perceive it differently? That is exactly how the environment of your body comes to be. Your mind, the way you think, and the way you process and interpret reality is in other words directly related to the way your body behaves - whether it’s creating a disease, attacking itself, or healing. 

All of these incredible findings lead us to the understanding that by changing the mind, we can change the body.

All of these incredible findings lead us to the understanding that by changing the mind, we can change the body.

“Change your thoughts - change your life” I am sure you heard this one before and while many of you might think this is “woo-woo”, at this point in time science supports it. 


If we go a step deeper, your thoughts are an outcome of your beliefs. By working on shifting your beliefs, you will shift your perception and eventually, you can heal your body. 

You have more power than you’ve been led to believe.

You can do this.

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