On this call we will address the 3 most important parts on your healing journey.
No matter which autoimmune disease you got diagnosed with, by following what I will teach you and create for you on this call, you can expect to start noticing a significant change in your health in a matter of a few weeks.
1. Diet
The human body was designed in a brilliant way, and it know how to heal itself from anything. The problem is that some foods we consume are limiting the body from reaching and activating its full potential.
As it was scientifically proven, the genes are not the reason you are sick and by making the necessary changes we can turn off the genes for disease and, turn on the genes that can promote healing in the body.
And what you put in your body can definitely block or accelerate your journey back to healing.
Together, we are going to go through what your current diet looks like and learn about its impact on your body.
You will know and get:
2. Nervous System Regulation
The autonomic nervous system, which is part of the central nervous system, is the body’s unconscious control center. It consists of two parts: the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, which regulate homeostasis in regard to psychological and physiological states. Both systems are supposed to work together to keep the body balanced and, in a state where it can keep itself healthy.
Most people living with a chronic illness were found to have an unregulated nervous system, that spends more time in the sympathetic nervous system – where the majority of the time, the body is in a state of “survival”. In this state, it does not focus on healing, only on what is urgent for survival.
Some of the results of living with an unregulated nervous system are:
❌ Autoimmune conditions and disorders
❌ Digestive problems
❌ Food intolerances and sensitivities
❌ Depression
❌ Anxiety
❌ Insomnia
❌ Poor memory
❌ Lack of focus and clarity of mind
And more...
After our call you will have simple technics to practice in minutes each day that will support you in regulating your nervous system and teach your body how to spend more time in the parasympathetic nervous system- where your body can focus on healing itself, repairing damage that was already done to your body, and keep growing in a healthy way.
*This is one of the reasons why many people that follow diets that were successful for others, do not experience the same level of healing other do.
If your nervous system isn’t regulated, your body doesn’t digest and process what you eat properly.
3. Healing Through the Mind
The mind body connection has been proven over and over again to be playing a huge roll both in the development of diseases and in our ability to heal.
During our session, I will guide you on a powerful and life and body transforming meditation that was designed based on quantum physics unique, and life altering discoveries.
The meditation will be designed specifically for you, based on what I will learn about you through our conversation during our time together, and it will be recorded and sent to you afterwards for you to be able to follow it moving forward.
Subconscious Recording For Healing
This recording is designed to reprogram your subconscious mind for healing while you are falling asleep.
Your mind influences the biology in your body, and there are two parts to your mind: The conscious mind- is your thinking mind that is active while you are awake, and the subconscious mind- the one that runs in the background constantly.
Your conscious mind is the one affected by reading, studying, or learning and it’s only in charge of 5% of your life, while the subconscious mind is the rest of the 95%.
Meaning the subconscious mind has far more influence on your biology and your health than your conscious mind.
This recording is designed to reprogram your subconscious mind, so that you achieve the healthy body that you want.
Cost: $350